Backup Your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS Data

Here's how to perform an immediate backup of your NEXUS or UltraNEXUS video files and configuration.

There are only three things that need to be backed up; the schedule image file, the video mpg files, and the slide jpg files.

Create Backup Folders on your PC or Back Up Storage

This step is unnecessary but could make the recovery process much easier, especially if you use more than one storage device connected to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.

If you have more than one storage unit (device) on your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS, you will want to create a folder on your PC or backup location with the same name as the storage device listed in the WinLGX Storage Manager window (see instructions below). Then back up the video files to the appropriately named folder. This will make it easier if you need to recover the video files to a corresponding recovered schedule. The reason for this is the schedule looks for a video file based on the name of the storage devices. If you recover a video file back to the wrong storage device, the recovered schedule will not find it.

Discovering what folders you will need:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  3. On the right side of the Storage Manager window, click the Device drop-down menu and note the names of all the devices listed (these are the USB hard drive units connected to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS).
  4. In the upper left corner, set the File type to Slides.
  5. On the right side of the Storage Manager window, click the Folder drop-down menu and note the names of all the folders listed. (These are your slideshows that hold your slides. Any folder that is empty does not need to be noted).

Creating the backup Folders:

  1. On your PC, navigate to the location you want to create your backup.
  2. Create a main folder and name it appropriately for your backup folders and files.
  3. Within the main folder, create a folder for your schedule file.
  4. Within the main folder, create a folder for your video files.
    1. Within the video files folder, create a folder for each of the Devices you noted.
    2. Name the folders with the exact name of the device (this is so you'll know what device to transfer the files to if you need to recover them back to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS).
  5. Within the main folder, create a folder for your slide files.
    1. Within the slides folder, create a folder for each of the slideshow folders you noted.
    2. Name the folders with the exact name of the slideshow folder (this is so you'll know what folder to transfer the files to if you need to recover them back to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS).

Backing Up the Schedule

The schedule image file contains your seven-day schedule, your library items and folders, and the system configuration.

Here are the steps to save the schedule image file:

  1. Make sure your current schedule is loaded and displayed in WinLGX.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Save as/Export.
  3. In the window that opens, navigate to the location on your PC that you wish to save to.
  4. Make sure the Save as type field is set to "Controller Image (*.nmg)."
  5. Type in a name for the schedule image file in the File name field.
  6. Click Save.

Recovering a Saved Schedule

Here are the steps to recover a saved schedule image file:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Open.
  3. In the window that opens, navigate to the location on your PC where the schedule image file is saved and select it.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Go to the File menu and select Send to send the schedule to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS and make it active.

If the video files referenced by the schedule are present on the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS storage, the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS will begin running the schedule - it will wait and play the next upcoming scheduled event.

Backing Up Video Files

You can use the WinLGX Storage Manager window to transfer files off the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS storage. The Storage Manager window will have two sides. The left side is your PC. The right side is the NEXUS storage.

Here are the steps to back up the video files:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  3. On the left side, using the drop-down Drive menu and the folder tree below that, navigate to and select the folder on your PC or network that you want to save the video files to.
  4. On the right side, select the desired storage device under the Device drop-down menu. If you have more than one hard drive unit, you'll do one device at a time.
  5. On the right side, select the files you wish to back up. Hold the Shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files.
  6. Right-click to bring up a menu and select Copy.
  7. In the copy confirmation window that opens, click Yes to begin copying the files (Disregard the "Export XML data" box). 

The files will begin to copy over with a window displaying the progress.

Recovering Saved Video Files

Here are the steps to recover the saved videos:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  3. On the right side, select the desired storage device to transfer to under the Device drop-down menu. 
    1. If these video files are being recovered with a saved schedule that references the video files, you'll want to choose the device name that matches the device name that the video files originally resided on before being backed up.
    2. If the storage device is a new device or has a different name, you can rename the storage device by clicking the File menu in the upper left corner of the Storage Manager window and selecting Rename volume.
  4. On the left side of the Storage Manager window, using the drop-down Drive menu and the folder tree below that, navigate to and select the folder on your PC or network where the backed up files are located.
  5. Select the files you wish to copy to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS. Hold the Shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files.
  6. Right-click to bring up a menu and select Copy.
  7. In the copy confirmation window that opens:
    1. If the files are already in the schedule's library, then uncheck the "Add to Library" box.
    2. If the files are not in the schedule's library (for example, if it's a completely new schedule instead of a saved schedule being restored ), then leave the "Add to Library" box checked.
  8. Click Yes to begin copying the files.

The files should begin to copy over with a window displaying the progress.

If you have another storage device folder to recover, follow the steps above again.

Backing Up Slide Files

Here are the steps to back up the slide files:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to your NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  3. In the upper left corner, under the File type, select Slides.
  4. On the left side, using the drop-down Drive menu and the folder tree below that, navigate to and select the folder on your PC or network that you want to save the slide files to. 
  5. Select the desired slideshow folder under the Folder drop-down menu on the right side. If you have more than one slideshow folder, you'll do one folder at a time.
  6. On the right side, select the slide files you wish to back up. Hold the Shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files.
  7. Right-click to bring up a menu and select Copy.
  8. In the copy confirmation window that opens, click Yes to begin copying the files. 

The files should begin to copy over with a window displaying the progress.

Repeat the steps to copy over any more slideshow folder's slides.

Recovering Saved Slide Files

Here are the steps to recover the saved slides:

  1. Open WinLGX and connect to the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  3. In the upper left corner, under the File type, select Slides.
  4. Select the desired slideshow folder to transfer to under the Folder drop-down menu on the right side. 
    1. If these slide files are being recovered with a saved schedule that references the slides files, you'll want to choose the folder name that matches the folder name that the slide files originally resided on before being backed up.
    2. If the slideshow folder does not exist on the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS you are transferring to. You'll need to create it using the steps below.
      1. Logged in with an admin user, go to the Tools menu and select User accounts (a user account is also a slideshow folder).
      2. In the window, click the Add button at the bottom left corner.
      3. Type in the user name and password.
      4. If the user will only be used as a slideshow and not to log in, leave the configuration boxes unchecked and select "No file access."
      5. Click Ok.
      6. Repeat for additional folders.
  5. On the left side of the Storage Manager window, using the drop-down Drive menu and the folder tree below that, navigate to and select the folder on your PC or network where the backed up files are located.
  6. Select the slide files you wish to copy to the NEXUS. Hold the Shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files.
  7. Right-click to bring up a menu and select Copy.
  8. In the copy confirmation window, uncheck the "Add to Library" box.
  9. Click Yes to begin copying the files.

The files should begin to copy over with a window displaying the progress.

Repeat the steps for any additional slideshow folders.