Firmware Update Fails on UltraNEXUS-HD

If, after attempting to update the firmware, it's still at the previous version, or you run into problems while trying to update, here are some things to try.

  • Make sure the user you are logging into WinLGX with has full admin rights or use the admin user.
  • Try setting WinLGX to use passive FTP.
    • In WinLGX, go to the Tools menu and select Preferences. In the Preferences window, check the box, Use Passive FTP. Click Ok at the bottom. Then close and reopen WinLGX.
  • Try rebooting the UltraNEXUS-HD.
  • Ensure the firmware file you downloaded contains no "(" ")" or symbols in the file name or a space in the file name. If you download the firmware file more than once to the same download location Windows may append the filename automatically. Delete the added number and symbols by renaming the file to its original name.
  • Make sure the Internal storage of the UltraNEXUS-HD is not full.
    • You can check on the Dashboard page of the web interface (from WinLGX, go to Tools/Web interface).
    • Some videos may have been uploaded using an external FTP program to the FTP root directory rather than the MPEG directory. This can fill the SD card (as shown by WebNEXUS Dashboard "Internal" drive bar being full and red) and prevent new additions to the Library database. You'll need to delete the misplaced files in the FTP program.
    • See the Knowledge Base article covering Full Internal Storage.
  • Make sure your password does not contain symbols, spaces, or is no longer than eight characters.
    • You can change a user's password in WinLGX by going to the Tools menu and selecting User Accounts.
  • Ensure FTP transfers are allowed by the network and any firewall to the UltraNEXUS-HD unit.
  • Ensure there isn't an old firmware file in the root storage of the UltraNEXUS-HD. FTP in, and if there are any files with a .lpf extension in the root level, delete them.