Steps to find the serial number and the firmware version your NEXUS / UltraNEXUS series server is currently running.
The serial number will be on a sticker on the back of the unit.
There are four ways to check the serial number and firmware version.
From WinLGX Site Manager Window
Open WinLGX, and the Site Manager (Log in) window will open automatically. Before logging in, look at the fourth column from the left, and it should list the unit's serial number and firmware version. The firmware version will be the numbers to the right of the serial number.
From WinLGX Controller Window
To check in WinLGX, go to the Tools menu and select Controller. In that window, look for the serial number near the top. The firmware version will be the numbers to the right of the serial number.
From the Dashboard
You can go to the WebNEXUS browser interface from WinLGX by going to the Tools menu and selecting Web Interface (or type the IP address into a browser on the same network). The Dashboard page will show the serial number and firmware version in the upper left area.
From Front Panel
You can also check the firmware version from the front panel display by pressing the up arrow button until the serial number is displayed. The firmware version will be displayed to the right of the serial number. It will have a "V" at the beginning of the version numbers.