If you need to manually play a file for testing purposes or in a pinch, this is how to do it from the WinLGX software's Control Panel window.
Keep in mind, manually playing a file will interrupt any currently playing file or slideshow.
- In the WinLGX software, go to the Tools menu and select the Control Panel option. This will open the Control Panel window.
- Select the Play tab at the top. To queue up a file to play, click the three-dot button to the right of Queued Video File.
The Queued Video File button is shown here circled in red: - This will open the storage window with the list of video files. For testing purposes, each UltraNEXUS-HD series server comes with bars and tone files.
- Select the desired video file and click the Ok button. This will name the file in the Queued Video File area.
- You can set the file to loop (continuous play)over and over by checking the Loop checkbox to the right of the Play button before pressing Play.
- To start playback of the queued file, click the Audio/Video play button near the center top of the player interface. The file should interrupt anything that might be playing, and appear in the Current Video File section. The time code for the file should begin to progress as the file plays.
The file will play to the end, or if the loop box was checked, it will play continuously until the next scheduled event or the stop button (to the left of the play button) is clicked.