LEIGHTRONIX USB Hard Drive Alarm Sounding

Directions on the steps to take if the alarm sounds or is beeping on your LEIGHTRONIX hard drive unit. The models covered include the LGX-2TBR-LX, LGX-1TBR-L, LGX-2TBR-L, LGX-1TBR-D, LGX-2TBR-D.

For this tutorial, "hard drive" refers to the entire storage device, while "hard disk" refers to the individual hard disk drives inside the hard drive unit.

Illustration 1, LGX-xTBR-L & LX Series


Illustration 2, LGX-xTBR-D Series


Find the Problem Disk 

In most cases, the alarm means one of the hard disks in the hard drive unit has failed and needs to be replaced.

Look at the LED lights on the front of the unit to find the problem disk. (see Illustration 3 and Illustration 4 for LED light orientation)

Illustration 3, LED Status on LGX-xTBR-L & LX Series


Illustration 4, LED Status on LGX-xTBR-D Series


Solid Red Activity Light

  • If the red activity light stays on solid (no flash/flicker) for ONE of the drives for longer than 3 minutes, that disk may need to be replaced.

Blinking Green Link Light

  • If there is a blinking green link light, that usually means the unit is attempting to reimage that disk, but if it’s not a new disk, the disk may need to be replaced. 

To replace a disk, follow the instructions from the “Replacing a Hard Disk within a LEIGHTRONIX Hard Drive Unit” knowledge base article.

If the front LED lights don’t have any indication like above, try powering the hard drive unit off for 30 seconds using the power switch on the back of the unit, then turn it back on and recheck the lights after 3 or 4 minutes.

Running on One Disk

(Optional) You can set up the drive unit to run on one hard disk while you acquire the replacement hard disk. The hard drive unit is in a RAID 1 (mirror mode) configuration, so each disk has duplicate files.

  1. Turn the power off using the power switch on the back of the hard drive unit.
  2. Remove the problem disk:
    1. If the bad disk is in the right bay:
      1. Loosen the thumbscrew on the front of hard disk tray 2 (right bay) (see Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 for hard disk and screw locations) and remove the tray.
      2. The left bay will have disk 1, and the right bay will be empty.
    2. If the bad disk is in the left bay:
      1. Loosen the thumbscrew on the front of hard disk tray 1 (left bay) (see Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 for hard disk and screw locations), remove the tray, and set it aside.
      2. Loosen the thumbscrew on the front of hard disk tray 2 (right bay) (see Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 for hard disk and screw locations), remove the tray and insert it into the left bay and secure it by tightening its thumbscrew.
      3. The left bay will now have disk 2, and the right bay will be empty.
  3. Turn on the unit using the power switch on the back of the hard drive unit.
  4. Wait for the alarm to sound (after about 15 - 30 seconds, the alarm should sound); at that point, press and hold the CHANGE MODE button (see illustration 5 and Illustration 6 below) in the back of the drive unit for 5 seconds. (Use a pen or paperclip.) After a few seconds, the alarm will stop, and you should have all solid green lights on the front.
  5. You should now be able to play files as usual. The hard drive device can be used for normal server operations in single disk mode but will not have data redundancy until Drive 2 (right bay) is replaced.
  6. You may have to reboot the video server for it to recognize the hard drive but check the WinLGX Storage Manager first to see if the hard drive and video files show up.
  7. To replace the disk for the right bay, follow the instructions from the “Replacing a Hard Disk within a LEIGHTRONIX Hard Drive Unit” knowledge base article.

Illustration 5, Change Button on LGX-xTBR-L & LX Series Hard Drive


Illustration 6, Change Button on LGX-xTBR-D Series Hard Drive
