Migrating USB drives to an UltraNEXUS-HD

If you wish to transfer video files from NEXUS/UltraNEXUS USB storage to UltraNEXUS-HD storage, here are the steps to do that.

The NEXUS and UltraNEXUS hard drives use the FAT32 format, with a file size limit. To get over the file size limit, the NEXUS and UltraNEXUS will split files up into what we call chapter files (they appear as .F64 files inside mpg folders, the .F64 files are .mpg files). You need to have the old hard drive connected to the NEXUS or UltraNEXUS to move the files because it will automatically reassemble them when it transfers them.


NOTE: If you connect a USB hard drive to the UltraNEXUS-HD, it may see the drive, but it won't see the chapter files. If you upload files to the USB drive, any file over 4 GB will be cut off at the 4 GB size. Using a hard drive formatted to FAT32 with the UltraNEXUS-HD units is not recommended.

Transferring using a NEXUS

  1. Transfer the files from the NEXUS USB storage to the local PC storage.
    1. Confirm there is enough free space on the PC storage.
    2. Use the WinLGX Storage Manager window or an FTP connection (such as Windows File Explorer FTP).
  2. Transfer the files from the PC storage to the UltraNEXUS-HD storage.
    1. Confirm there is enough free space on the UltraNEXUS-HD storage.
    2. Use the WinLGX Storage Manager window or an FTP connection (such as Windows File Explorer FTP).

Transferring using an UltraNEXUS

The UltraNEXUS can transfer files through a network using its Destinations and File Management page in the web interface. Here's how to transfer files using that function.


NOTE: If you are using an UltraNEXUS-HD BLADE, the internal Vol1 drive is NOT used for video file storage. You will need to use an external NAS drive or an external USB drive connected to the BLADE for video storage.

  1. Keep the old FAT32 drives connected to your current UltraNEXUS.
  2. Set up the UltraNEXUS-HD on the same network with any new external NAS or TBR-LX hard drives. The UltraNEXUS-HD  has a built-in storage drive for video files named "Vol1." This can also be used to transfer files using this process.
  3. Get the volume name of the UltraNEXUS-HD's hard drive that you want to transfer video files to (or use "Vol1" if it has enough free space for the files you want to move).
    1. Open the WebNEXUS interface of the UltraNEXUS-HD by typing the UltraNEXUS-HDs IP address into a web browser. (You can get it's IP address from it's front panel - press the up arrow button until the IP address is displayed).
    2. Log in to the web interface using the user name and password for the UltraNEXUS-HD.
    3. On the DASHBOARD page, you will see a listing of the storage volumes connected to the UltraNEXUS-HD.
    4. Note the volume name of the hard drive you wish to transfer files to. (Do not use the "Internal" one for video files.)
  1. In the UltraNEXUS WebNEXUS Destinations page, set the UltraNEXUS-HD as a destination.
    1. Open the WebNEXUS interface for the UltraNEXUS.
    2. Type the UltraNEXUS' IP address into a web browser, or in WinLGX, go to the TOOLS menu and select WEB INTERFACE.
    3. Log in to the WebNEXUS interface.
    4. Go to the DESTINATIONS page. (Click the Destinations button.)
    5. In the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS tab, type in the IP address of the UltraNEXUS-HD.
      1. Enter the UltraNEXUS-HD's user name and password.
      2. Under Destination Volume, type in the name of the UltraNEXUS-HD hard drive that you want to move video files to. (Noted in the steps above.)
      3. Click the Apply Changes button at the bottom to save your settings.
  2. Use the WebNEXUS FILES page to transfer files from the old FAT32 drives to the UltraNEXUS-HD drives.
    1. Click the FILES button to go to the File Management page.
    2. Select the files you wish to transfer. 
      1. The Video Transfer list can only accommodate 120 files at one time.
      2. Select multiple files (no more than 120 at one time) by selecting the top one in the list, hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard and select a file lower in the list. This will select those files and all the files in between.
      3. Right-click and select Add for NEXUS/UltraNEXUS. This will place the files in the Video Transfers list on the right side.
      4. The files should begin to transfer automatically.
    3. You do not need to keep the web interface open; it will continue to transfer the files automatically.
    4. Once a file has been transferred, it will disappear from the Video Transfers list. (It doesn't delete it from the UltraNEXUS drive.)
    5. The Video Transfer list will be empty when all the files have been transferred.
    6. If you have more files to transfer, add them to the Video Transfers list by repeating steps 5b through 5c.

NOTE: If the USB drives are healthy and you wish to use them with the UltraNEXUS-HD, they will need to be formatted to EXT4 format and a folder labeled "MPEG" (lowercase, no quotes) put on the root level. This folder is where the video files will reside.

Non-Functioning NEXUS or UltraNEXUS

If the NEXUS or UltraNEXUS is no longer working, we'll need to remote in and process the drive to reassemble the files and move them - LEIGHTRONIX technical support time will need to be purchased.