NEXUS and UltraNEXUS Flash Slide Editor

Since Flash has been discontinued, here is information about continuing to use slides in the standard definition NEXUS and UltraNEXUS video servers.

Note: The UltraNEXUS-HD series servers have received new slide editor firmware that is not Flash-based (available on our website). If your UltraNEXUS-HD unit is asking for Flash, you most likely need to update the UltraNEXUS-HD’s firmware.

The standard definition NEXUS/UltraNEXUS/UltraNEXUS-SDI was out of production long before Flash was discontinued. So its slide editor feature will not work without Flash.

  • You can still create slides outside of the NEXUS and upload them to the NEXUS using the WebNEXUS Slides page or the WinLGX Storage Manager window.
    • There is an Upload button in the center top of the WebNEXUS Slides page.
    • In the WinLGX Storage Manager window (Tools menu/Storage Manager), in the upper left corner for file type choose Slides.
      • See the tutorial on using the Storage Manager for more details.
  • The WebNEXUS Slides page still works and itself doesn’t require Flash.
    • All the metadata features of the Slides page are still functional.
    • Only the slide editor feature requires Flash.
  • You can create slides in any graphic editor you wish and then upload the slides for use on the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
    • Most PCs have a jpeg editor.  Photoshop, Gimp, MS Paint, and the free online miniPaint will create/edit jpegs. 
    • Also, PowerPoint can export jpegs.

Slide Requirements

Here are the jpg resolution and size requirements for the NEXUS series servers:

  • File size should not be larger than 900 kb.
  • The recommended resolution size is 720 x 540. The maximum size is 1024 x 768.
  • The file extension must be “.jpg” (not “.jpeg”)
    • If you have a file with a “.jpeg” extension, it is safe to rename it to “.jpg”.
  • Slide file name requirements:
    • The file name should not have more than 27 characters, not including the extension.
    • No symbols, except underscores or dashes, are acceptable.
    • No spaces.