No Video or Black Video Output from the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS

If your channel is black or down and you need to confirm if the NEXUS or UltraNEXUS is outputting video, here are some things to check.

Check that the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS is powered on

  • Check the front display and make sure it has the date and time displayed.
  • Check that the time is not frozen but is ticking away. If it is frozen, try rebooting the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.
  • If the display is not lit up or it says "Now Booting" and does not get past that display, then see the knowledge base articles called "NEXUS or UltraNEXUS Won't Boot" and "NEXUS Won't Power On."

Check that a video or slide is playing in the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS

  1. Open the WinLGX Control Panel window by going to the TOOLS menu and selecting CONTROL PANEL.
  2. In the Control Panel window:
    1. Select the MPEG Player 1 icon in the Devices column to check output 1.
    2. Select the MPEG Player 2 icon to check output 2.
  3. You should see either a video file playing or a JPEG slide playing. It should show the video file name or the slide file name on the right side. If a video is playing, the timecode should be progressing at the top of the Control Panel window. There will be no timecode for a slide.

Check for black video playing

It could be the file being played has content that is black video. Maybe a recording was done, and the record input was set to the wrong input, and so the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS recorded black video. 

  1. Note the name of the file that is playing in the Control Panel
  2. Go to the Storage Manager (Tools/Storage Manager)
  3. Then find the file in the list on the right side
    1. Right-click the file to open the menu
    2. Select "View"
    3. It should open the preview monitor and begin playing the file
  4. Check to see if the file content is black video.

If nothing is playing:

  • Check the schedule to see what is supposed to be playing.
    • If nothing is scheduled, then you'll need to correct the schedule.
  • Check if the schedule is stopped.
    • Is the Stop Schedule button in the lower left of the Control Panel green and says "Stop Schedule" or is it red and says "Start Schedule"?
    • If it says "Start Schedule" that means the schedule is currently stopped, you'll want to click it to start the schedule, and it will wait to start playing the next scheduled event.
  • Check the events log to see if it tells why files are not currently playing.
    • See the knowledge base article on retrieving and searching the events log.
    • See the knowledge base article on file playback issues.

Check which input is selected in the Control Panel Switch

If using output 1 of the NEXUS in the Control Panel window, check which input is selected for output 1 in the switcher section of the Control Panel window.

  • If a file or slideshow playback is scheduled, then input 7 (Mpeg Player 1) should be selected for output 1.
  • If an external input is scheduled, then the input for the external device should be selected for output 1. Also, make sure that the external device is working and putting out a valid video signal.

If the control panel shows video and/or slides playing and/or the correct input selected, then most likely, the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS is putting out a signal, and you need to check how you are monitoring the output.

Check how you are monitoring the video output.

There are generally two ways to view the video output of the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS – using the cable return or a directly connected monitor.

  • Cable Return
    • Suppose you watch the video after it goes out to your cable channel and comes back from the cable channel. In that case, that is too long of a signal path to diagnose the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS because it is going through all the cables and other devices downstream from the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS. One or more of those cables or devices could be the culprit introducing the distortion or issue.
  • Direct Monitor
    • Connect a working monitor directly to the output of the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS to confirm its output. The NEXUS/UltraNEXUS has three outputs, be sure and monitor the output that you are using and scheduling.

If the directly connected monitor shows the correct video. Then the NEXUS is working fine, and the problem lies after the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS with a failing cable, failing connection, or failing device downstream from the NEXUS/UltraNEXUS.