If the stream quality is poor, glitchy, pixelated, or freezes, here are some things to try.
In most cases, the issue could be caused by an inbound network problem or an outbound network problem (IncodeX stream leaving your network).
- An inbound problem would give bad playback at one location but not another.
- An outbound problem would cause it to be bad everywhere.
When you see a problem with your VieBit stream, go to our sales stream:
- Compare the sales stream to your VieBit stream. If the sales video is clean, but your video is not, then there is a problem with the outbound portion of your network that you have the Incodex Stream on.
- If both streams are bad, the problem could be with your network download speed. Try watching both streams on a different network, such as on a smartphone using a cell tower connection instead of a Wi-Fi connection.
Were you uploading a VOD at the same time that you were having the issue?
You can delay the upload until after.
Use the delay settings in the UltraNEXUS-HD.
Or don't upload automatically, but instead, manually upload later.
Also, check to see if any other devices or programs may be using up the network bandwidth while you are trying to send your stream.
Check to see if other streams are happening, or if files are being transferred, uploaded, or downloaded on the network during your stream.
Check for Network restrictions:
- The stream is UDP; sometimes, firewalls and internet connections have different rules for UDP data.
- So even with a fast connection, there still can be UDP throttling.
- Check with your IT department to ensure there are no UDP restrictions related to your IncodeX Stream's UDP stream destination address and port.
- You can find your IncodeX Stream's UDP stream destination address and port in your VieBit administration under the Live Streams page - there, click the INFO button for your IncodeX Stream.
- It is important that the stream only have a single path to the internet. Multiple outbound paths would mix up UDP video. Also, have your IT department check if they use a load balancer.
Adjust the Stream Bandwidth:
You can try adjusting the video bitrate of the stream.
- You can increase and decrease the stream's video bitrate in your VieBit account Site Administration settings (see instructions below).
- If that is set high and your network can't handle that high of a bitrate, you can lower the video bitrate and see if that improves the stream.
- If the video bitrate is low and your network can handle more, you can increase the bitrate and see if that improves the stream.
- Log into your VieBit account and go to Site Administration*.
- Go to the Live Streams page.
- Click the Edit button for the IncodeX Stream.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Adjust the video bitrate.
- To save the changes, be sure and click the Save button and also click the Save button in the second window.
* To access Site Administration after logging in, hover your mouse over the user in the upper right corner; the menu should appear, then click Site Administration from the menu.