Recording from the WebNEXUS Browser Interface of an UltraNEXUS-HD Series Server

Instructions on how to use the UltraNEXUS-HD recorder from its browser interface. This applies to UltraNEXUS-HD, UltraNEXUS-HD X2, X5, Flex, and Blade servers.

  • The WebNEXUS record function has no switch control capability and will only record whatever signal is connected to the UltraNEXUS-HD input. If you have an external switcher and need to switch the input signal, you'll need to use the WinLGX recording interface instead of the WebNEXUS recording interface.
  • WebNEXUS record settings do not affect the WinLGX record settings.
  • WinLGX record settings do not affect the WebNEXUS record settings.

Accessing the WebNEXUS Interface

  • Open the WebNEXUS browser interface
    • From WinLGX, go to the Tools menu and select Web Interface.
    • Or type in the IP address of the UltraNEXUS-HD into a browser address bar.

Adjusting the Record Settings

  • Go to the Destinations page
  • Go to the Record Settings tab



Select the desired storage device to record to from the drop-down menu.

File Name

  • Type in the desired file name.
    • If the file already exists, a new recording will overwrite it.
    • If you don't want to overwrite, check the Create Unique File box, which will automatically append a timestamp to the end of the filename.

File Quality

  • Choose the desired quality – Good, Better, or Best.

Audio Source

  • Choose the desired audio source connected to the UltraNEXUS-HD

Closed Captions

  • Check the box if the video signal you are recording has closed caption data and you wish to include it with the recording.


  • Check the Enable box if you are transferring the record file to a VieBit VOD account or other destination and wish to begin transferring while the file is recording.
    • PEGcasting allows recorded files to automatically transfer to the desired destinations while they are being recorded.
    • If not enabled, the transfer will wait until the recording is complete before starting.
Apply Changes
  • Click the Apply Changes button in the lower-left corner to save the changes.

Starting a Recording

  • You can access the record controls from any page in the WebNEXUS interface


  • Start a recording by clicking the Record button (red circle).
    • When a recording starts, the record box will expand and show the file name and timecode progressing.
    • The record box may take up to 3 seconds to expand and populate.


Adding Index Points

  • If you have a VieBit VOD account and are sending the record file to VieBit
    you can add index points as you record.
  • Type in an index point name.
    • You will also be able to add and edit index points on the VieBit site after the recording is finished and uploaded.
  • Click the Set Index button at the time you want the index point.

Stopping a Recording

  • Click the record Stop button (black square) to stop the recording.
    • It may take up to 2 seconds for the record interface to clear.