Scheduling a Reboot of Your UltraNEXUS-HD

How to schedule a reboot of Your UltraNEXUS-HD

To schedule a reboot:
  1. In WinLGX, go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  2. Find and rename a small unused video file to ( _refresh_controller_.mpg), or download the file from the link below. The UltraNEXUS-HD is shipped with three sample bars and tone files. You may use one of those if you need to.
  3. Right-click on the newly named file and select Add to Library. Then close the Storage Manager window.
  4. Select the file in the Library and go to its properties to change its length to two minutes. (This is about how long it takes for the unit to reboot). 
    Schedule the file anytime you want the unit to reboot. Usually at a time of low viewership, like Sunday at 2 am.
    Here's a link to a 2-minute file if needed: _refresh_controller_.mpg