Slide Continues to Play After Deleted

If you have a slide that you've deleted but it still continues to play on your channel, it could be there is a duplicate of the slide that needs to be deleted.

Here is how to find the duplicate slide:

  1. In the WinLGX software, go to the Tools menu and select Storage Manager.
  2. In the upper left corner of that Storage Manager window select "Slides" for the file type.
  3. Then look on the right side for a duplicate of the slide. You can select a slide to see its preview in the preview window above the list.
  4. Once you've found the file, right-click it and delete it.
  • If a slide has more than 27 characters in its file name it will not show in WebNEXUS but may still show on the channel.
  • If there are any symbols (Such as "(", or ")", or "&", etc...) in the slide's file name it will not show in the WebNEXUS but may still show on the channel.
  • The WebNEXUS slides page may allow a misnamed slide to be uploaded but it won't display it and you'll need to look in the Storage Manager to see the slide and either delete it or rename it.
  • What may have happened is someone may have uploaded the slide with an illegal file name and then they corrected the slide name and uploaded it again. Leaving the first copy of the slide with the illegal name still in the system.