UltraNEXUS-HD Live Recording Followed by Chasing Playback

Suppose your UltraNEXUS-HD system does not include an external video switch. Instead, your studio is connected directly to the UltraNEXUS-HD input and your channel to the output. In that case, this is how to send the live program to air.

Recording with chase playback:
You may either schedule the recording or manually record from within the Control Panel.


  1. Select the Sch Rec tab on the left side of the schedule grid and the desired day tab at the bottom of the grid.
    1. From the Devices folder on the right, drag and drop the Video Recorder Device resource and drop it in the schedule grid.
  2. The properties window will open. Make sure the Lock check box in the upper left is checked.
    1. Type the desired filename in the Video Filename field and the desired length in the Length field.
    2. Type in the desired event starting time in the Time field.
    3. Check the Add to Library check box in the lower left, and click OK. (This is the library resource you will use to schedule the chase playback)
  3. To schedule the playback, select the Output tab in the upper left of the schedule grid.
    1. From the Library folder on the right side, drag and drop the Library resource that was just created into the schedule. The property window will open.
    2. Make sure the Lock check box in the upper left is checked.
    3. Under the Event Start/Time field, set the start time for a minimum of twenty seconds after the recording start time.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Now send the schedule to the UltraNEXUS-HD to activate.


If doing a manual recording with delayed playback (chase playback) of your recording, there is a button in the Control Panel window that will do that all with one button push. You just set up your recording parameters in that window as usual and type in a filename, then click the Chase button and it will begin the recording. After 15 seconds it will automatically start playing back that recording file.

Just make sure the firmware is up to date (version 21.07.29) and the WinLGX version is up to date (version

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Tools menu and select Control Panel.

  2. In the Control Panel window, select the Record tab in the upper left corner to display the recorder controls.

  3. Select the desired storage device under the Storage Device field.

  4. Type in the desired filename under the File field.

  5. Check the Add to Library checkbox near the upper right.

  6. Before you start your recording you'll want to stop the schedule:
    1. To stop the schedule click the green Stop Schedule button in the lower left corner of the Control Panel window.
    2. The button will turn red and say "Start Schedule" when the schedule is stopped.
    3. You'll want to stop the schedule so that the recording playback will not be interrupted by any scheduled events. 
  7. To start the recording, click the CHASE button and the time code should start ticking away. (It may take about 3 seconds for the display and time code to populate.)
  8. After 15 seconds the file will automatically start to play. In the Control Panel window, select the Play tab in the upper left corner to display the player controls. There you should see the file playing.
  9. Stop the recording by clicking the center stop button at the top of the Control Panel  Recorder.
  10. Once the player gets to the end of the recording, it will automatically start the virtual channel playing.
  11. Be sure and restart the schedule by clicking the red "Start Schedule" button in the lower left corner of the Control Panel window.