Deleting Multiple Files from Your VieBit VOD Account

Instructions for using the VieBit Retention Policy function to delete multiple files.

VieBit is not designed as a backup server, so there is no direct bulk file delete function, but multiple files can be deleted based on the upload date of the files using the VieBit Retention function.

Please note LEIGHTRONIX highly recommends you have copies of your VOD files backed up to another location. 

For further details about VieBit retention functionality, see the VieBit VOD Retention and Auto Delete Options Knowledge Base tutorial.

Deleting Multiple Files:

  1. For multiple file deletion, each file’s retention policy will need to be set to “Site”.
    1. The default setting is “Site,” so unless a file’s retention policy was changed after uploading, it should already be set to “Site.”
  2. Choose the number of days from the file upload date as the cutoff for a file to be deleted.
    1. For example, 1095 days (3 years).
    2. A file’s upload date can be viewed under the preview picture in the upper left corner of the file's information.
    3. You can check a file's delete status by looking at it's Delete Date field in the upper right area of the file's information.
    4. The creation date of a file usually is the same as the upload date but can be edited in the file’s Metadata tab. Changing the creation date will NOT change the file's upload date.
  3. If there are any files older than the cutoff that you wish to keep, be sure to set those file’s retention settings to “Delete Manually” in the file’s Retention tab.
  4. In the System Settings page, set the Site Retention policy to the chosen cutoff.
    1. For example, for a cutoff of 3 years, you would set it to:
    2. “Delete after 1095 days”
    3. See the VieBit VOD Retention and Auto Delete Options Knowledge Base tutorial for more details on setting the Site Retention policy.
  5. The policy will go into effect between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM the following day.
    1. Any file that has a upload date older than the cutoff will be deleted.
  6. If the Site Retention Policy is left at the cutoff, in the future, files that meet the cutoff will also be deleted.
    1. Otherwise, you can set the Site Retention Policy to “Delete Manually” until you desire to have it delete multiple files again.
    2. See the VieBit VOD Retention and Auto Delete Options Knowledge Base tutorial for more details.